3 Benefits of Private School Education for Elementary Age Children

3 Benefits of Private School Education for Elementary Age Children

As they say, children are the future. Developing children are very impressionable, and it's important to ensure that they are surrounded by a positive environment. These kids will be future politicians, CEOs, and teachers, so we should make sure they are taken care of.

Education is simply the best way to help a child succeed. Going to school provides unlimited possibilities for children to grow into outstanding adults. Because the majority of the country agrees, most children have the opportunity to go to school.

Although almost every child is going to a school, not all of their education's will be the same. States, counties, and even towns have their own standard for learning in public schools. They are state funded and sometimes can lack resources.

Private schools are schools that are supported by a private organization or are funded by private individuals, not the government. Many people have qualms about private schools, but a lot of people actually send their children to private schools instead of public schools. In fact, 5.3 million preschool through 12th-grade students attend 30,861 private schools in the United States today.

There are many benefits of private school education for elementary school age children. Here are three, coming from The Scots College.

Individual Attention

Class size is one of the biggest factors in a child's success at school. In a large class, students can feel unimportant and unnoticed. Studies show that students do better in smaller class sizes. Private schools often have much smaller class sizes than the average government funded school. To add to that, the student to teacher ratio is also much more beneficial in a private school. Not only are there fewer students in one particular class at a time, there are more teachers and aids in that same class. This allows a much greater potential for individual support for each child when needed. This is just one example of the many benefits of private school education.

Specialized Teachers

Private institutions are much more likely to employ specialized teachers than a public school. This means that the educators are much more likely to be able to cater to every child's specific needs.


Private school curriculum is often much more flexible compared to that of a public school. Government-funded administrations are restricted by state or federally mandated rules, while private institutions are not. This can offer a wider range of classes that students can take. For example, religious courses, language classes, and educational focused paths are available at a private school when that is not usually the case at a public school.

If you are conflicted about where to send your child to school, remember these benefits of private school education to help you make the right choice.


3 Benefits of Private School Education for Elementary Age Children

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