What Private Elementary Schools Wish You Knew

What Private Elementary Schools Wish You Knew

Elementary school is the most critical stage of your child's education. This is when they learn and build their numbers and letters foundation, which is crucial for math, problem-solving skills, spelling, and writing.  In 2016, the U.S. recorded approximately 2.63 million admissions to private elementary schools. Deciding where to send your child for their elementary education can feel overwhelming. Here are the top four things you should know about this type of day school

1. Curriculum 

Private schools operate independently. So, they are free to create their educational curriculum. This is a wonderful thing, especially if the school's educational curriculum is one you prefer and meets your kid's needs. 

Private schools have programs and extra curriculum activities that cater to your kid's special interests or needs. An array of private boarding or day school extra curriculum activities your kid can join includes music, sports, and theatre classes.

2. Individualized Education System 

Private elementary schools have fewer pupils than public schools. The advantage here isn't about the number of pupils in the school, but the teacher-to-student ratio. A lower pupil-tutor ratio makes it easier for teachers to offer individualized attention to every pupil and support them throughout the learning process. Remember that this is the first time your kid is away from home on their own and for a long time during the day. Therefor, they need more support which is readily given in a private school setting where educators can address their needs readily. 

3. More Resources 

Most public schools are held back by a lack of funds. On the other hand, private schools offer resources that kids need to learn and thrive. For example, kids have access to computer labs and extra learning tools that aren't available in public schools. 

4. More Parental Involvement 

A private day school goes beyond to involve you in your kid's education, something that's difficult with public schools. This helps create a better relationship between you and the school. You'll have more opportunities to meet and interact with your kid's educators to stay updated on what they're doing and learning. 

The above factors should help you make a more informed decision to take your kid to a private elementary school. Visit your nearest private day school to learn more about the opportunities in store for your child at the institution.

What Private Elementary Schools Wish You Knew

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