3 Tips for Packing Your Child a Bag for Day Camp

3 Tips for Packing Your Child a Bag for Day Camp

Summer day camp can be a unique and cherishable experience that your child will remember for the rest of their lives. Summer camps for kids can be a great way to teach them valuable life skills and give them a social platform to express themselves. Of course, if your children are only spending the day at camp, then you'll still be able to see them every morning and night. With that said, it also means they're going to need to pack a bag every morning for their day.

If you're unsure of what to pack in said bag, here are a few tips to help you out.

Start with the backpack

First and foremost, you're going to need to find a backpack to put everything in. Before you grab the one that your child uses during the school year, remember that day camp can be a bit more rough on a backpack than a classroom. You're going to want to use a bag that is durable enough to withstand some mild abuse and has a pocket big enough to hold some larger items. It's also a good idea to get a bag that has holders on either side for your child's water bottle. 

Pack extra clothes

It probably doesn't come as a surprise that your child could potentially need an additional set of clothes for their time at day camp. Be sure to pack them a backup outfit complete with an extra shirt, shorts, socks, and underwear. A good tip is to put them in a big freezer bag or plastic grocery bag so that your child has something to put their dirty clothes into. You might also want to pack a sweater if it gets cold, an extra pair of shoes, and a baseball cap.

Grab the essentials

Besides having extra clothes, you should equip your child with anything that they might need. Some of the essentials might include:

Medication (inhalers);
Hand sanitizer;
Tissues; and
Bug spray.

You might find that there are other necessities unique to your child's needs. 

If your child isn't currently enrolled in one of the many summer programs available in your area, consider signing them up. You can find one by asking your child's private school if they have any programs available, or check with some of the other local schools. Roughly 2.63 million students in the U.S. went to a private elementary school in 2016, and there are plenty of schools for you to choose from. Be sure to talk with your child about summer camp and some of the activities that they'll be able to enjoy.

If you're looking for one of the best academic summer camps in Miami, give us a call today.

3 Tips for Packing Your Child a Bag for Day Camp

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